So, every time I take my 5 and a half pound Yorkshire Terrier to the vet, I get a weird vibe from the staff. It all started when I brought her over there a few months ago because she was walking funny on her rear left leg. We were getting ready to leave on a trip to Phoenix the next day so I wanted to make sure she was okay before we departed. We go over, head back into an exam room, and meet with a nurse. The doctor comes in and checks her vitals. We talk about any issues we've noticed and they check out her leg. My dear hubby came with me out of the goodness of his heart. Well, thank goodness he did because I ended up nearly passing out. It began when the doctor started discussing how Chewie's back knee might just dislocate and she proceeded to explain how the bones work together. I don't know if it was this graphic explanation or my own anxiety about flying in a plane the next day or the fact that I hadn't eaten dinner yet. Whatever it was, I felt all the color leave my face, and had to sit down. I told my husband I had to go outside because I thought I was going to be sick. I flew out of the exam room, ran past the front desk, and out the door. I proceeded to head over into the landscaping (don't ask me why) and dry heave into the foliage. I didn't want to be right next to do the door in case other patrons were coming and going. After taking a few deep breaths, I felt a little better. I went back in to pay the bill only to be overcome by nausea yet again. At this point, my husband officially thought I was crazy. I headed back to my spot amongst the mulch and ornamental grasses and gagged for ten minutes. My husband joined me in my vomit oasis replying with a simple, "Are you okay? I paid the bill. Here's your purse." I turned and smiled and thought to myself: Wow. That bag really looks nice with your shoes. The green in it brings out the color in your eyes.
We've been back to the vet several times since that incident. Every time I go now, they take Chewie out of the room into the back and do all of the procedures out of my sight. I think they have a note in my file reading: Overly Concerned and Easily Upset Dog Owner. Beware of queasiness and damage to outdoor plants.
Note In My File At the Vet Office
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Posted by livingstorybook at 3:30 PM
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