Car Wash Fiasco

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I always like going through the car wash.  It's so peaceful and I find myself completely absorbed by the sounds and sights within.  I've actually caught myself sitting in my car with my mouth wide open in amazement as the splish and splash sounds zoom around my car.  However, my most recent visit to the car wash was anything but soothing.  My dear hubby and I were driving his Porsche Boxster to my parents' house for Father's Day.  We decided to hit up the car wash on the way.  We drove top-down into the payment lane, ordered the $12 wash, and headed towards the entrance.  My husband pushed the button to put the top up and we slowly drove forward.  As we were getting onto the auto-drive mechanism, my hubby was frantically trying to get the windows up.  They just would not go up.  I started to panic because we were heading further and further into the wash and getting closer and closer to moisture.  My husband put his hand out the window and yelled to the workers to turn off the wash.  They shut everything down and I was so embarrassed since there were several cars waiting behind us.  We couldn't back up and we definitely couldn't go forward.  The windows continued to only go up 3/4 of the way.  I was envisioning us trying to use our shirts to keep the water out and being sprayed incessantly by all the different nozzles and tubes throughout the wash.  Finally, after preparing to take my own shower in the car wash, my husband realized that the roof was not snapped in all the way which led to the windows not going all the way up.  Fifteen minutes later and one near miss of a heart attack, we emerged in our shiny, clean vehicle and went on our way.  Piece of advice:  get the roof and windows up well in advance and always pack an umbrella, just in case.