Decisions, Decisions

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Knowing your own weaknesses is a sign of maturity and offers one an opportunity to grow and change..or at least I hope.  I had set out today to add some nice foliage to our front yard since this past winter was so very cruel.  I picked out some hosta, mulch, and potting soil at Home Depot.  All of that took about 20 minutes.  But, lo and behold, I had yet to pick out some flowers.  Flowering plant of choice:  pansies.  I don't have much of a green thumb and these little guys are typically hardy and easy to care for.  They are, however, difficult to choose.  Apparently, there are at least 20 different kinds of pansies available at Home Depot.  For a normal person, that means great selection and diversity.  For someone like me, who takes 38 minutes to pick out a bunch of bananas at the supermarket, that means confusion and second-guessing.  I know that I have issues with indecision and you would think that knowledge would prove helpful.  Not really.  Bottom line:  the landscaping out front looks lovely regardless of the fact that it took me over 20 minutes to pick out each one of the five pansies that now grace our front yard.  Some things will just never change.  Here's to picking the perfect flower!