Toin Coss

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you ever wonder about slips of the tongue?  I do.  I always think it is so strange how we know what we want to say but something else comes out.  My favorite verbal mistakes have to be when you mean to say two words and transpose their beginning sounds.  The best example of this for me is the phrase "toin coss."  My dear hubby and I watch football together on a regular basis.  We are going on 9 years of this now since we were even avid football watchers while dating.  On several occasions, with or without drinking alcoholic beverages, my hubby has referred to the coin toss as "toin coss."  I always think about what exactly is going on in his brain when this happens.  Are synapses misfiring?  Was the message lost somewhere along the nerve super highway?  I've busted on him numerous times for his beloved "toin coss."  This year, at my father's big annual Super Bowl shindig, the magical phrase reared its ugly head.  Only it wasn't my husband who yelled it out loudly in front of the entire crew of party-goers.  No, it was me.  No one said anything, despite the fact that I repeated it like five times in a span of five minutes.  Can you imagine...  "When did they do the toin coss?  I'll bet you money on the toin coss.  Who won the toin coss?  Is the toin coss important?"  No one said anything, that is, except my hubby.  He made a point to highlight my mixed-up error.  And as we cracked up laughing about this now common terminology adopted as everyday semantics in our home, everyone else just assumed we had one too many Coronas.  I actually think it sounds better as toin coss anyway.  Don't you?